Slot Hood Exhaust Design

  1. Slot Hood Exhaust Designs
  2. Commercial Exhaust Hood Design

Centerline velocity equation for the circular slot hood was thus constructed to design the local exhaust system. Recommended values for airflow rate into the circular slot hood and the average slot face velocity were found to be 20.14 m3/min and 8.55 m/sec, respectively. The optimum air velocity at a. Hood design Proper design of exhaust hoods is a must If you want effectively control athmospheric contanimation at its source with minumum air flow and power consumption.The theory of capture velocity depends on the creation of air flow past the source of contaminant sufficent to remove highly contaminated. Fume Hood Airflow - Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM) Calculation Explained. The longer the distance and the more curves you have, the more powerful your in-line exhaust fan will need to be to attain the 180 CFM. This final calculation should be determined by the person responsible for your building’s HVAC.

Slot Hood Exhaust Designs


Commercial Exhaust Hood Design

ATMOS360’S Close Capture dust hoods with pneumatic cylinder actuated stripping baffles demonstrate superior performance in papermaking and converting applications. In area where close capture hoods are not feasible (an unsupported web or spatial constraints) we utilize general Area exhaust hoods. This combination of close capture and area hoods are used successfully on weak sheets such as facial and tissue lines. They provide optimum dust collection performance that result in improved process reliability.