Vue Slot Props

  1. Vue Slot Component Props
  2. Vue Slot Pass Props
  3. Vue Slot Props Computed
  4. Vue Named Slot
  5. Vue Slot-scope Props Not Defined

Swiper Vue.js components are compatible only with new Vue.js version 3

Slot props allow us to turn slots into reusable templates that can render different content based on input props. This is most useful when you are designing a reusable component that encapsulates data logic while allowing the consuming parent component to customize part of its layout. When Vue 2.6.0 was released, Vue introduced a new unified syntax which is (the v-slot directive) for named and scoped slots. It replaced the slot and slot-scope attributes, which has been deprecated, though not removed, they are still document. The slots syntax has been changed in Vue 2.6, the following examples use the new v-slot syntax instead of the deprecated slot-scope, but it is still supported and you can use it. However v-slot have different semantics, consult the Vue docs for more information.


Swiper Vue.js plugin is available only via NPM as a part of the main Swiper library:


swiper/vue exports 2 components: Swiper and SwiperSlide:

By default Swiper Vue.js uses core version of Swiper (without any additional components). If you want to use Navigation, Pagination and other components, you have to install them first.

Here is the list of additional modules imports:

  • Virtual - Virtual Slides module
  • Keyboard - Keyboard Control module
  • Mousewheel - Mousewheel Control module
  • Navigation - Navigation module
  • Pagination - Pagination module
  • Scrollbar - Scrollbar module
  • Parallax - Parallax module
  • Zoom - Zoom module
  • Lazy - Lazy module
  • Controller - Controller module
  • A11y - Accessibility module
  • History - History Navigation module
  • HashNavigation - Hash Navigation module
  • Autoplay - Autoplay module
  • EffectFade - Fade Effect module
  • EffectCube - Cube Effect module
  • EffectFlip - Flip Effect module
  • EffectCoverflow - Coverflow Effect module
  • Thumbs - Thumbs module

Note, Swiper Vue.js component will create required elements for Navigation, Pagination and Scrollbar if you pass these params without specifying its elements (e.g. without navigation.nextEl, pagination.el, etc.)


Vue Slot Props

Swiper package contains different sets of CSS, Less and SCSS styles:

CSS Styles


CSS styles available only for bundle version:

  • swiper-bundle.css - all Swiper styles including all components styles (like Navigation, Pagination, etc.)
  • swiper-bundle.min.css - same as previous but minified

Less Styles

Less styles are separate styles for core version and components:

  • swiper.less - only core Swiper styles
  • components/a11y/a11y.less - styles required for A11y component
  • components/controller/controller.less - styles required for Controller component
  • components/effect-coverflow/effect-coverflow.less - styles required for Coveflow Effect component
  • components/effect-cube/effect-cube.less - styles required for Cube Effect component
  • components/effect-fade/effect-fade.less - styles required for Fade Effect component
  • components/effect-flip/effect-flip.less - styles required for Flip Effect component
  • components/lazy/lazy.less - styles required for Lazy component
  • components/navigation/navigation.less - styles required for Navigation component
  • components/pagination/pagination.less - styles required for Pagination component
  • components/scrollbar/scrollbar.less - styles required for Scrollbar component
  • components/thumbs/thumbs.less - styles required for Thumbs component
  • components/zoom/zoom.less - styles required for Zoom component

SCSS Styles

SCSS styles are also separate styles for core version and components:

  • swiper.scss - only core Swiper styles
  • components/a11y/a11y.scss - styles required for A11y component
  • components/controller/controller.scss - styles required for Controller component
  • components/effect-coverflow/effect-coverflow.scss - styles required for Coveflow Effect component
  • components/effect-cube/effect-cube.scss - styles required for Cube Effect component
  • components/effect-fade/effect-fade.scss - styles required for Fade Effect component
  • components/effect-flip/effect-flip.scss - styles required for Flip Effect component
  • components/lazy/lazy.scss - styles required for Lazy component
  • components/navigation/navigation.scss - styles required for Navigation component
  • components/pagination/pagination.scss - styles required for Pagination component
  • components/scrollbar/scrollbar.scss - styles required for Scrollbar component
  • components/thumbs/thumbs.scss - styles required for Thumbs component
  • components/zoom/zoom.scss - styles required for Zoom component

Swiper props

Swiper Vue.js component receive all Swiper parameters as component props, plus some extra props:

tagstring'div'Main Swiper container HTML element tag
wrapperTagstring'div'Swiper wrapper HTML element tag

Swiper events

Swiper component supports all Swiper events, including additional swiper event that returns swiper instance as soon as posible. For example:

Vue Slot Component Props

SwiperSlide props

tagstring'div'Swiper Slide HTML element tag
zoombooleanfalseEnables additional wrapper required for zoom mode
virtualIndexnumberActual swiper slide index. Required to be set for virtual slides

SwiperSlide slot props

SwiperSlide component has the following slot props:

  • isActive - true when current slide is active
  • isPrev - true when current slide is the previous from active
  • isNext - true when current slide is the next from active
  • isVisible - true when current slide is visible (watchSlidesVisibility Swiper parameter must be enabled)
  • isDuplicate - true when current slide is a duplicate slide (when loop mode enabled)

For example:

Vue Slot Pass Props


Swiper Vue.js component uses 'slots' for content distribution. There are 4 slots available

  • container-start - element will be added to the beginning of swiper-container
  • container-end (default) - element will be added to the end of swiper-container
  • wrapper-start - element will be added to the beginning of swiper-wrapper
  • wrapper-end - element will be added to the end of swiper-wrapper

For example:

Will be rendered as:

Virtual Slides

Virtual Slides rendering here is fully handled by Vue.js and not required anything except setting :virtual='true' property and setting virtualIndex on slides:


Controller requires to pass one Swiper instance to another:

For two-way control (when both Swipers control each other) it should be like this:


Vue Slot Props Computed

Same as with controller we need to store thumbs instance and pass it to main gallery:


The following effects are available:

Vue Named Slot

  • Fade
  • Cube
  • Overflow
  • Flip

To use effects you have to import and install them first (as all other modules) (Fade example):

You can find running effect demos here.

Vue Slot-scope Props Not Defined

Full Fade Effect Example